Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Here we go...

So here we go, post number 1 on blog number 1.

I'm taking the Common Purpose advice and starting a blog to capture my thoughts about the course, leadership, personal development and my amateur vegetable growing.

I'm going to try and get on here at least once a week and share my oh-so-deep thoughts.

Have put my response to the first 'practice' on the CP website which is about courage and conflict - text here:

This practice is very relevant to me right now. I've been going through some conflict with my boss which I've found really difficult to deal with, professionally and emotionally.

I've had to face up to some of my own shortcomings (not exactly easy) but also I've had to take the initiative in having some difficult conversations. If I hadn't taken it upon myself to do this I think some really important issues would have remained buried - which is one of the reasons we came into conflict in the first place!

In a really backwards way I've learned that keeping quiet about things doesn't help anyone, especially if you then let it all out in one go and completely surprise the other person. It's been scary for me to have these conversations but has also made me feel more powerful and in control of the situation - taking the lead rather than following someone else's example, particularly if the example being set is not a positive or helpful one.

Not sure that I'm out of the woods yet but I'm pretty sure I've been leading beyond authority a bit recently!

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